iPhone and Opportunities to Affair

Technology Apple iPhone Affair
INFO GADGET - Very odd if we link between gadgets used to level a person's fidelity. But, based on data from various sites, recorded that iPhone users is greater chance for an affair.

It is delivered not only from one site only. Recorded data from two different sites are indicated vices Apple device users.

The first, issued by ashleymadison.net, a site that helps users manage their relationship with the affair. According to this site, application users which they recorded lot more from iPhone users. In fact, there are more from twice as many Android users.

In addition, data from whatsyourprice.com, site measuring one's level generosity when dating also says the same thing. Mentioned, users of Apple devices twice as much getting a date from the user of other device.

Previously, data from Match.com, an online dating service to 5 thousand men and single women in the U.S. have also shown similar results. Mentioned, 49 percent of iPhone users are able to get a partner singles in 2012. Then followed by Windows Phone users by 46 percent, 44 percent Android, and BlackBerry with 42 percent.

So, it's not impossible indeed for Apple device users to cheating with their respective spouses. This is considering they are the easiest to find a partner among smartphone users of other platforms.

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